Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ladies! Reminder:

You are what every guy looks for in a girl. Understand that. You are amazing. You are willing to sacrifice everything for love. There will be so many other better guys who are going to come into your life and fall for you in an instant. So do it. Move on. Wait for the guy who will do the same for you. Wait for the one who will love you more than he can love himself. The one who will never let you wait because he’s too afraid to lose you. The one who is always there for you, whether you need him or not because he loves you so much. Wait for the guy who can look you straight in the eye to tell you that he wants to spend the rest of his life with nobody else but you. Move on. Stop waiting. There is no point in waiting for somebody who doesn’t realize your value.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

"When he say he really love me,

make me wanna love him more."

Sunday, August 16, 2009

"What if I only wanted her for her body? What if I only wanted to greet her in the morning with my lips and tell her good night the same way?

What if I only wanted her for her hand? So I could hold her hand as tightly as possible, have her grip in my own and wrap her in my arms. Touch her every corner and curve and tease her until she touched me back.

What if I only wanted her for her eyes? To pierce deeply into my soul and read my mind. Connect with my own eyes and have a private conversation in a code only she can understand. With each passing glance she would know exactly how I feel and that I care about her.

What if I only wanted her for her feet? To walk with me during the hard times and kick away the crap that plagued my being. To stamp down with authority in her own opinions and get a running start surprising me by taking the initiative to jump at any moment she sees fit.

What if I only wanted her for her chest? Something I could lay my head on and listen to the measure of her heart, and how much of it beats for me when I’m near. Something to make me remember “if you respect her, you’ll look at her in the eyes when she’s talking to you.

What if I only wanted her for her backside? Something to sneak up on and wrap my arms around for nothing but the simple pleasure of feeling her against me. Just a subtle way to remind her that through everything “I’ve got her back.”

So, whats wrong if I only wanted her for her body?”

I wouldn't mind

.. getting something sweet once in awhile.
Some surprises, instead of planned things.

Flowers, Love letters, Dinners, ETC
ANYTHING romantic, ANYTHING from the heart.
Something I could brag about to show everyone..
"He spends this much on me because I'm worth it.
He brings me here because he wants to be with me.
He gave me this because I mean everything him."

But then again.. I shouldn't expect much,
I should just be happy with what I have..
because hes faithful, honest and mine.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


everyday. It piles up then I get fed up and start to break down. But some how he gets me back on my feet, like he always does.


Thursday, August 6, 2009


is putting alot on my shoulders, but
Baby always keeping me on task.
Gah' I love that foo, ta'deafff. ;D